Duskers Wiki


Dealing with enemies can be very difficult. Normally, the best thing to do is to avoid them. Several things can be done to eliminate an enemy directly (eg. turret, mine) and indirectly (eg. venting, defense turrets).

If for whatever reason you cannot kill the enemy, one of the best strategies is to use stealth, motion, or sensor, or all at the same time to detect enemies, and find out what's going on in 'inconclusive' rooms, and then opening doors to unimportant rooms. This strategy is not possible with slime.


1.Do Lures work against Security Drones?

Lures don't work against Security drones and slimes but work against leapers and swarms. Do note that Security drones generally investigate open doors anyways.

2. Can I activate the sonic upgrade whilst using a generator?

Yes, do it to keep pesky slime away.

3. Do Mines only activate when an enemy directly steps on it?


4. Why can't I pick up my sensors?

Sensors can't be picked up, but you have 50 of them.

Individual threat types[]

Security drones:[]

Security Drone






Slime can be a real nuisance, especially when generator drones are involved. If multiple drones are in the same room, the slime will set 1 random target that will not change until it either leaves the room or dies. In the case it targets the generator drone, you need it running, you can swap the generator with your other drone (For sake of this explanation, drone #3) use it to power the generator, and the targeted drone can sit in a corner until the slime reaches it, where it will move to the next corner. You can exploit this strategy otherwise to keep slime from getting in the way of important areas, for a time anyway.

Additionally, you can activate the sonic upgrade and maintain your generator. Although, this is quite costly in the long run.

You could also use a sensor to detect when slime pops up when you aren't looking.
